Towards Twenty Twelve

Paul Ingram

IF the four thousand three hundred and six years towards twenty twelve were repeated compressed into the last sixty seven years of those four thousand three hundred and six years then the last three hundred and eighty four days of those sixty seven years would contain those sixty seven years and as a result those four thousand three hundred and six years. And then the last six days of those three hundred and eighty four days would contain those three hundred and eighty four days and as a result those sixty seven years and as a result those four thousand three hundred and six years. And then the last two hours of those six days would contain those six days and as a result those three hundred and eighty four days and as a result those sixty seven years and as a result those four thousand three hundred and six years. And then the last two minutes of those two hours would contain those two hours and as a result those six days and as a result those three hundred and eighty four days and as a result those sixty seven years and as a result those four thousand three hundred and six years. And then the last two seconds of those two minutes would contain those two minutes and as a result those two hours and as a result those six days and as a result those three hundred and eighty four days and as a result those sixty seven years and as a result those four thousand three hundred and six years. And then the last



Paul Ingram is a poet and filmmaker based in London. He has performed and shown his work at PolyPLY, Xing the Line, Benefits, Chlorine Readings, Projektor Screenings and the 60seconds Short Film Festival in Copenhagen. He edits the zine SCABS ARE RATS.